The Lookout - Digital Painting Tutorial

Digital Painting Tutorial in Photoshop
In this video I go over how to create an illustration for Film or Next Gen Games using photos, painting various other techniques.

> Video 1
Go's over the whole posses from start to finish. 2.5hrs
- Full audio commentary
- Sketching
- Photo Texturing
- Over all Efficiency
- Some rambling

> Video 2
Call outs of techniques used in Video 1 and a few extra tips and tricks to speed up workflow and productivity. 30min

- Color Matching
- Color Adjustments
- Masking
- Layer Masks
- Clipping Masks
- Quick and accurate surface highlights
- I'll keep be adding to this video and will update you as I go. (free updates)

Files Included:
- 2 HD 1920x1152 mp4
- 1 PSD File
- My Pazzaz Actions Script (actions that I uses to finish my work)
- Instructions on how to install Action Script

Thanks for the support everyone!

Digital Painting Tutorial in Photoshop - Fantasy landscape and Tips and Tricks